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performance appraisal phrases needs improvement

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performance appraisal phrases needs improvement, More information for performance appraisal phrases needs improvement. If you need more details of performance appraisal phrases needs improvement, pls leave your comments below.

Top performance review phrases for employee, manager, staff

1. Performance review phrases for attitude:

Many people do not understand that attitude is one of the most important factors that every company appreciated.

What is working attitude?
A predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an choice of action of individual, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards (together called stimuli).

Four major components of attitude are (1) Affective: emotions or feelings. (2) Cognitive: belief or opinions held consciously. (3) Conative: inclination for action. (4) Evaluative: positive or negative response to stimuli.

a. Positive attitude:
• Peter is continually talking negatively regarding projects or tasks that he assigned
• Peter always has a negative attitude towards getting his work done
• Peter’s attitude is in general poor and is impacting his work
• Peter talks negatively about his other team members
• Peter needs to focus on the positive aspects of his job and his team
• Peter is constantly talking negatively about his boss

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b. Negative attitude:
• Peter frequently gives off “an air” of superiority to his coworkers. He is not approachable and is rough to work with.
• Peter has a dreadful outlook at times which has a tendency to bring down the entire team.
• Peter has a tendency to instigate problems between his coworkers.
• Peter has a sporadic bout of attitude problems which affect his coworkers.
• When the pressure is on and there is a choice to blink or not, Peter too frequently blinks.
• Peter is a good manager, but her mood changes too often for people to keep track of.
• Peter is an asset in many ways, but his attitude needs to be kept in check.
• Periodically, Peter has an attitude shift which can have a negative effect on the team.
• Peter has a tendency to disrupt work after company meetings where difficult decisions were announced.

2. Performance review phrases for quality of work

This is one of the most important requirements for performance appraisal process. However, it is sometimes difficult to evaluate quality of work with suitable words and expressions. Therefore, the following appraisal phrases shall be useful in quality of work evaluating.
You can use positive and negative performance review phrases as follows:

a. Positive Appraise Phases on Quality-of-Work
• Terry is very detail minded and his work his always done with exceptional quality
• Terry ensures his work is accurate before giving it to the customer
• Terry pays attention to detail in every tasks he is given
• Terry produces error free output
• Terry has a great eye for the details
• Terry’s work can be relied on to be accurate and as expected / requested

b. Negative appraisal phrases on Quality-of-Work
• Terry’s work cannot be relied on and is consistently being passed back for rework
• Terry’s work is full of errors and doesn’t pass inspection by other team members
• Terry doesn’t pay attention to the details of the tasks he is assigned
• Terry overlooks key requirements given to him for his tasks
• Terry produces unreliable output
• Terry doesn’t spend enough time reviewing his work before handing it in as complete

3. Performance review phrases for creativity

Creativity and innovation are necessary requirements for any job. In particular, there are among the most important abilities in manufacturing, R&D, brand building, advertising jobs… However, an innovative workplace is not a guarantee of no failure or mistake. But the importance is how you use the innovation and correct those mistakes to improve yourself as well as improve the performance of your team in a positive way.

a. Positive performance review phrases for creativity
• Peter constantly searches for new ideas and ways to improve efficiency.
• Peter creates an exciting atmosphere for his team: one in which new ideas are rewarded and encouraged.
• Peter encourages his teammates to think outside of the box and to be more creative with solutions.
• In meetings, Peter is very good at extracting unique ideas out of people – some you might not consider as very creative people.
• Peter is a very creative innovator. Specifically, he solved an on-going problem by looking for a solution from all angles.
• Peter is an innovator at heart – his skill at inspiring new ideas is an asset to our team.
• Peter has an imaginative personality and is very resourceful in times of need.

b. Negative performance review phrases for creativity
• Peter discourages creative solutions from her team.
• Peter has a difficult time thinking “outside of the box” and creating new and untested solutions.
• Peter is a creative guy but he has a tendency to act before thinking. This causes problems when an untested or unexamined idea is moved forward too quickly.
• Peter has shown a tendency to be a matter-of-fact manager, but in his position, thinking in a more resourceful manner would do him well.
• Peter does not research solutions deeply enough and often just compiles ideas found on Web sites. This does not help for many of the problems we run into.
• Peter rarely innovates and when he does, it seems forced.
• Peter fails to generate new ideas.
• Peter needs to work on being more resourceful on tasks and projects.

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