Performance Review Phrases – Accountability
Some positive performance review phrases for Accountability might be: · Terry is always willing to take responsibility for his t...
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Some positive performance review phrases for Accountability might be:
· Terry is always willing to take responsibility for his teams actions and work results
· Terry is very good at recognizing his mistakes and holds himself responsible for the outcome
· Terry understands the responsibilities of his role and ownership of his tasks and deadlines
· Terry is willing to accept constructive feedback and works hard to own his own personal weaknesses.
Some negative performance review phrases for Accountability might be:
· Terry is always blaming other teams or team members for items that he should be responsible for
· Terry is quick to point fingers in heated situations
· Terry always has excuses for why his work is not delivered on time
· Terry makes excuses when it comes to the quality of his work (blames internal processes and procedures for his failures)
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses