Performance review phrases customer satisfaction
When you comment your employee ‘s performance & skills/abilities you should pay attention to negative and positive phrases. I/ Positive ...
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When you comment your employee ‘s performance & skills/abilities you should pay attention to negative and positive phrases.
I/ Positive Phrases
1. Tom is adept at having happy customers and successfully upselling them at the same time.
2. Teri deals with customer complaints with a calm demeanor. Teri is very good at handling difficult situations with customers.
3. Paul works with customers very well. He is very good at dealing with irate customers in a calm and rational manner.
II/ Negative Phrases
1. Bill has consistently shown he does not listen to his customers well.
2. Greg has not fully understood why customer service training is important and frequently is late to class and does not participate.
3. Frank does not understand how to deal with a difficult customer and too frequently passes the customer on to his supervisor.