Performance review phrases attention to detail
What is attention to detail? Attention to Detail -- Is thorough in accomplishing a task with concern for all the areas involved, no matt...
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What is attention to detail?
Attention to Detail -- Is thorough in accomplishing a task with concern for all the areas involved, no matter how small.
Some jobs need people who can handle both the small and large parts of a task. Such individuals won't overlook what needs to be done and can be depended on to do each task accurately and completely.
Key Behaviors:
- Keeps a project checklist, covering all the details that might be overlooked.
- Checks, and rechecks work for mistakes before sending out.
- Follows procedures exactly to make sure all parts of a job are completed.
- Compares finished work to what is expected.
- Performs routine or repetitious tasks with care and attention.
- Reviews work carefully for completeness and accuracy.
- Makes sure equipment is working before it is needed in a project.
How to write your reviews?
· Identify job competencies
· Identify job standard for each competency
· Write negative and position phrases for each competency